Roll up, roll up!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Twisted Babel Fish

Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty which is placed in the wall passed falling which is large. As for the person of the horse or all kings of all kings it was not possible for the second time to assemble Humpty,!

Her card and the milk it will do Muffet which is placed with tuffet which is eaten it is small, also the foil sat down on her side, Muffet which surprises came,

The of Incy Wincy which has risen on the mouth also the rain it came, also the empty sun came you washed, rainy now were dried on ones of Incy and all Wincy went for the second time on the mouth!

The mouse the clock the dickory dry dock of the hickory which was moved on the clock which strikes one which the mouse moved under the dickory dry dock of the hickory


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