Roll up, roll up!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Here Comes The Science Bit, Concentrate!

"During the long growing season, fruit is held in a relatively constant position in relation to the Earth's magnetic field, aligning the liquid particles much like tiny compass needles. This natural balance gives fresh picked fruit its smooth, natural flavor."

"The delicate magnetic alignment of the liquid particles is destroyed during the crushing, straining, pasteurizing, fermenting, and distilling used to manufacture liquid beverages. But there is a cure for this terrible destruction. For as little as $29.95 you can buy the Shooter Buddy Junior. This "quickly realigns the particles in your beverage by surrounding them with extremely powerful Neodymium (ne-o-dim-e-um) magnets...In as little as 10 seconds, Shooter Buddy restores the natural balance destroyed in the production process, recaptures the fresh taste of nature, and duplicates the smooth mellow flavor generated by years of traditional slow aging".


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