In-flight Entertainment
British Airways uses 80,000 airline meals a day.
Roll up, roll up!
Argentine football hero Diego Maradona has said he is unrepentant about using his fist in a controversial goal against England in the 1986 World Cup.
Small cars driving through a safari park in Merseyside have been chased by confused lions who think they are prey.
Marks & Spencer has cut prices on its cheapest women's clothing range by up to 25%, in a move designed to put pressure on rivals such as Next.
"As long as there is demand for it, with buyers prepared to pay anything to ensure its supply, I fear the direction for prices is north, not south."
The current Oxford English Dictionary includes 350 ways of insulting someone, but only 40 expressions to compliment them.
A judge has finalised a settlement in which film studio Sony will pay $1.5m (£850,000) to film fans after using a fake critic to praise its movies.
“As the bomb fell over Hiroshima and exploded, we saw an entire city disappear. I wrote in my log the words: My God, what have we done?”